Does Intravenous Sedation Make You Sleep During Dental Treatment?

Intravenous (IV) sedation is a type of dental sedation that is used to help patients feel relaxed and comfortable during dental procedures. Although this type of sedation does not cause sleepiness, some patients may feel sleepy or even fall asleep on their own. Compared to other methods of sedation, intravenous sedation may require more preparation in advance. You may need to fast for several hours before your appointment or avoid taking certain medications the day before.

With conscious intravenous sedation, you'll be awake during dental treatment, but you won't feel pain.In contrast, general anesthesia causes you to be completely asleep and unable to wake up, even with painful stimulation. Additionally, general anesthesia requires additional breathing support and can alter heart rate and other life support functions, meaning that an anesthesiologist must monitor all vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and pulse. Oral sedation makes you feel very lightheaded and you may even fall asleep. But you'll still be able to contact your dentist if necessary and you'll wake up with a gentle push. Because oral sedation temporarily affects memory and motor skills, you'll need a friend or family member to drive you home after the procedure. Your dentist will sedate you before starting the dental procedure.

To begin with, the dentist will place an IV in your arm or hand. The dentist will then introduce sedative medications intravenously into the bloodstream. Medications will quickly put you in a relaxed, semi-awake state. You won't sleep as fully as you would if you had major surgery.

Instead, you can still breathe on your own and respond to the dentist's instructions, although you won't consciously realize it. Sedation can even be used in combination with anesthesia to ensure that you remain completely calm and painless during any procedure. Some patients may also want to receive a sedative if multiple cavities are being filled or if they are undergoing a lengthy procedure, such as a deep gum cleaning. If you have a strong gag reflex, sedation can help ensure that you feel comfortable while your dentist treats you. If you suffer from dental anxiety or have teeth that are too sensitive, dentistry with intravenous sedation might be the right choice for you. Unlike general anesthesia, which leaves you completely unconscious, intravenous sedation brings you to a state of semiconsciousness.

If you've been given oral or intravenous sedation, you'll have to wait a full 24 hours before driving again. Your dentist monitors the amount of sedation you receive and adjusts the doses accordingly throughout the procedure. The most common types of dental sedation include nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation. Today, conscientious intravenous dentistry makes it possible to provide dental care to patients who experience dental anxiety and apprehension. It is estimated that 15% of the population avoids dental care due to acute anxiety and up to 60% of the population admits having some level of fear and apprehension about the dentist. You will continue to receive local anesthesia to numb your teeth and gums, but the dentist will usually do this once you are comfortable with the sedatives. When you choose IV sedation for your dental procedure at i-Implant Dentistry, you couldn't be in better hands.

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