Who Can Benefit from Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a great way to keep patients comfortable during dental procedures. It is beneficial for those with dental anxiety, those undergoing long-term treatment, and those with low pain thresholds, sensitive gag reflexes, and sensitive teeth. Options for sedation include nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation. The biggest benefit of dental sedation is that it can help calm you down before, during, and after the procedure.

Oral sedation is administered in pill form and will allow the patient to remain alert and responsive without feeling any pain or discomfort. Nitrous oxide takes effect sooner and disappears almost immediately. IV sedation allows the medication to be delivered directly into the bloodstream, allowing the sedative to take effect slowly. With dental sedation, no additional phobia can build up, because the mind cannot create any new memories.

Sedation dentistry uses medications to relieve anxiety and soothes and relaxes the patient during the procedure. It paralyzes the gag reflex so that the dentist can work faster and more efficiently. If you're feeling nervous about a procedure or you're worried that it might be uncomfortable, sedation can help calm those fears and frustrations and make your next dental appointment more pleasant. The type of sedation you'll need depends on your fears, concerns, and the type of procedure you're facing.

Linger has been using sedation dentistry in his office for a long time and for many procedures, so don't panic. Whether you're feeling anxious about a procedure or you're worried that it might be uncomfortable, sedation can help make your next dental appointment more enjoyable.

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